Bay Beach Amusement Park

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

We went to Bay Beach Amusement Park in Green Bay, and it is the absolute perfect spot for kids. There were rides that Mason was able to get on as well. My favorite part is that there is no admission charge, and you pay for what you choose to ride. The ride tickets are 25 cents!!! And most rides take 1 to 2 tickets. Isn't that just spectacular? I so wish we had one of those here in Vancouver!

On Mason's first ride, I was a little nervous about him flopping around (there is belts). I asked a couple if it was okay for Mason to ride beside their son. Mason did such a good job, and his expressions and joy was completely priceless!

He sat still on this ride, and kept glancing at the little girl to see what she was doing. He rung the bell once after seeing her do it. Oh man, he is just way too cute!

Unfortunately, we got rained out before we could try all the other rides :( We so need one of these here!!!


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