22 weeks

Saturday, March 15, 2014

it's a little wild to think that the number of weeks that i've been pregnant is greater than the number of weeks left. not too long ago, i felt like 40 weeks was a really long time, but when you are counting in weeks, time just flies by. especially since 4 of those months are busy season.

as i'm writing this, the babe is moving in my tummy. it's reassuring when i can feel it move and when i don't, it can be a little scary. i wonder if other moms feel the same?

i have started getting tired once again. it's not as bad as the first trimester, but i do get tired and am taking naps on both saturdays and sundays. sleeping on my side is starting to hurt my shoulders. i wake up and my shoulders hurt. hurting for sitting periods of time hurts my tailbone. earlier this week, my hips were hurting.

i just sound like bunches of fun, don't i?

on the bright side, i'm able to eat more things. although eating some things does leave a weird taste in my mouth, but for the most part, i'm able to eat more things without feeling terrible.



  1. I worried a lot when I couldn't feel my baby moving. Feeling my babies moving was my favorite thing about pregnancy. And I totally understand the sore hips and shoulder thing too. It's all worth it though!

    1. Thanks Robyn! I'm definitely excited and can't wait for July to roll around!


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