This past year has been good to us. We've been enjoying our home and the warmth and comfort it offers us. We were able to go to Oahu, and spend some time in that beautiful warm place. We took advantage of the summer weather going to lots of parks and made some new discoveries like Cottonwood Beach. We welcomed our second child. I started back at work. We went to Utah for Thanksgiving. We celebrated Christmas Eve with cousins, and spent Christmas Day playing our new toys, and enjoying the kids.
We've been so blessed, not in quantity but in quality. Our children have made our lives richer, and our ability to love deeper. They know nothing about the past or the future, but merely living in the present. This is such a hard adjustment for me because I'm always thinking about the future, shaping it from the past. Let's just say, my kids are teaching me more than I am teaching them.
I'm hoping to write more in this space, to put some of our memories down in writing for 2017. So stay tuned!