Ashlyn & Waverly's Birthday Luau Party

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

This year, we combined Ashlyn and Waverly's birthday party and it was so much fun! I love themed parties. We went up just for the day, but squeezed in all the fun. We wanted food to be super easy so we went with Hawaiian Haystack. We didn't pick up food until up there, which made it a lot easier. I handled decorations and food. My brother in law handled the cake and the games, but he also did a lot of the decorations as well. For the decorations, I ordered everything off Oriental Trading, and boy, they sure do make it easy! I had seen their previous catalog that had a luau theme so I knew I would go with them for decorations. When I went on there, I went straight to the luau theme and picked everything that I wanted. It was so simple!

My mother in law helped chopped the food, and my nephews helped with setting things up. Some people brought additions which was really nice. For games, we had a water balloon fight, hula-hoop contest (to which Brandon found out that I was really good at hula-hoop contests - guess it just never came up in our 11 years of marriage), and sack race.

All the kids loved it, and the labor was definitely worth it.

Waverly in Twelve Months

Friday, September 1, 2017

Waverly is turning 1 on Monday! I can't believe how fast her first year has flown by. Having Mason definitely sped that up. I hardly even remember having her nap on me when she was very little. It was wonderful when I just had Mason, and he basically napped on my chest for my whole maternity leave. It was amazing, and it was beautiful. I took so many pictures of him napping on my chest. With Waverly, there wasn't a lot of time for that. She sort of had to grow up. And that's exactly what my little bebe has done.

She's such a joy. I just love everything about her. I love how chunky she is. She's in Size 2T!!! Like, what the heck?! She loves snuggles when she's tired, but don't get in her way when she's not because she is a very busy body. She loves to climb absolutely everything. Even things that she can't climb, her little short legs will try. She's a good eater. She's a good sleeper. She's still on two naps a day. She sleeps 9pm - 6 or 7pm. I wish she would sleep a little later, but I'm not complaining. She loves to play cars with her brother although he doesn't like her playing with his cars. Sometimes she will make the car sounds like her brother. It's so darn cute. She loves to smile, and I love her squinty eye faces. She's walking and falling, but she loves walking and being so independent.

I'm so grateful for my phone for the easy captures! The pictures came out of order :(

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