Summer '17

Monday, August 21, 2017

This summer has been quite busy for us. It passed by so fast, but we've filled it up to the brim as well! There was no plan, except just to fill it up as we pleased.

We went to the coast spontaneously one day. We had beautiful blue skies and I tried some fish & chips, which started the summer obsession and I've been opting for fish & chips wherever there is some on the menu.

We got to visit our friend's farm on more than one occasion. Mason loved being able to roam free as he pleased and seeing cows and chickens. Every time I get out to the farm, I crave a couple acres of our own.

We tagged along with Brandon for a work trip down to Anaheim, CA. We decided to drive, and drove down the Oregon coast. It was definitely a scenic route, and I didn't get to capture as many pictures as I wanted, but it is definitely etched into my memory.

Mason tried bowling for the first time! We utilized the kids free bowling which is such a fun program, and a fun way for kids to be active. 

We had so many park days with friends. I love how the PNW have so many beautiful parks, and Mason has started to be a little more adventurous in trying the different slides and climbs.

I got to visit my cousin in Chicago, and had a blast with these gals. It was kids-free for me, and I think I need one of these trips yearly!

We visited my parents in NC & finally had our Hmong wedding! It's been a long time coming!

We visited Port Townsend (first time for me!) and I love how quaint the town is. The weather was perfect & we got to watch our cousin get wed!

So many beach days!

We tried Screen on the Green, but realized it was a little colder than we expected so we ate and called it a night. 

I seriously cannot stop buying swimsuits for this little gal! 

We got to spend time with cousins, and of course had to go to the beach with them!

Mason and I attended the Fair this year, and he got to ride several of the rides. He was loving it, and his smiles and laughs were priceless! 

I'm super excited for this fall, and have some things I want to do so I'll come up with a fall bucket list for us! 


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