my workplace had a health screening at the end of april. since they have been doing the annual health screening, i've been participating every year. it's free and plus, i sometimes forget to get my annual physical so i like to participate as a way for me to make sure everything is going fine.
when i saw my number for my cholesterol, i about freaked out. 278 was pretty darn high. less than 200 is desirable and here i am at 278. as you can see, i was previously 176 and 162. the gentleman who was going over my results with me wasn't super concerned since in the past two years, my levels were good. he has kids of his own and seeing as i was pregnant, he reassured me that this is normal. as long as i felt good otherwise, this wasn't a cause for concern as my body is going through a lot.
i read some articles here, here and here which made me feel a lot better. i'll definitely go back and get an annual test after i have this little guy. in the meantime, i'll just try to listen to my body and do what i feel is best for it.