for the last couple of months, i have been fretting about where to this babe of mine. i thought i knew. but then i started to have a nagging feeling that wouldn't go away. i started talking to friends and getting a wide array of stories. i asked where they delivered and how they liked their experiences. i asked about whether they went with the epidural or not. i wanted to know it all. all the stories were super valuable to me in making this decision.
last week, i woke up and the first thing i thought was, i am changing hospitals! there was no unsure feeling inside. i actually felt the most sure that i have ever felt this whole pregnancy.
last night, i looked to make sure the hospital was in network. i then looked up the doctor that one of my friends went to and checked and they were in network. so today, i called the new doctor to schedule my first appointment with them. since my current doctor doesn't deliver at the new hospital, i had no choice but to switch. i was worried since i am at 31 weeks and i wasn't sure exactly how that works, but i'm glad that i was able to make the switch, and quite painless also. my current doctor was great and they were really helpful, but i decided to move over to a doctor and a hospital that seemed to push more for a natural method.
here's to one less thing to worry about. now if i could just figure out which breast pump to if you have any recommendations, i want to hear your thoughts!!!
@ 31 weeks. my back has been aching more. it's harder to get up when i'm sitting back also.
i've been running to the bathroom a lot more than usual as well.
he's been pushing on the front of my tummy a lot more these days. i can't tell if he is just getting bigger so there is not a lot of room or if he just prefers to hang out in the front versus towards the back. when he does major movements, it is such a weird feeling. it almost feels like he is digging into my intestines. very odd feeling indeed.
thank you for treating me so well so far my little man.
on a cool note, a friend sent me this. it's hmong american day in Minnesota. how neat is that?