Our flight had a layover in Phoenix. The first leg of our flight went fairly well. Mason slept for the majority of it. The second leg was a little rougher. We sat beside a couple that looked at us suspiciously as we scouted to the window. Mason slept for the first bit, then he woke up and became a bit restless. He wasn't very noisy but he definitely needed to stretch out his legs. There were two kids in front of us, and once he realized that, he kept getting up on the tray to stare down at her. She was in a car seat so she was facing him. Every once in a while she would yell, which frightened him and caused big alligator tears which I would then have to console him. Once he got enough courage again, he would get up on the tray, and once again she would yell (maybe at him?), and he would start to cry again. This happen repeatedly. I sure hope this isn't a sign of the future. No heartbreakers for my little boy, please!!!
I got to visit with the couple beside us. Turns out they were headed to the PGA Tour in Wisconsin. Mason won their hearts, and eventually ended up sitting on her lap.
Overall, I am not a fan of layovers. I would just prefer a nonstop. The layover was nice since I could rinse out his bottle, but the thought of getting him to sit still once again was daunting.
While in Wisconsin, one of the places we visited was the Long Cheng Marketplace. They had two murals on their walls that were just outstanding. We ate some wonderful food, and I got to try the fruit papaya salad for the first time. Surprisingly, it was delicious.
Pineapples, grapes, apples, green papaya, etc. Spicy, but yummy!
I love this mural, and the women with babies on their backs while at the marketplace.
I love this picture, depicting some history on the Hmong people.
My brother with Mason. Mason loved my brother, and the first time they met, he went straight to him. We can't wait to see my brother in December!!!