Never Say Never

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Two summers ago, we went beach camping with our friends. They had 4 young kids at the time. I remembering thinking, I will never go camping or anywhere that I would have to lug all sorts of stuff. Boy, how our thinking changes after baby.

I love taking Mason places. I love seeing his expression. Actually, I wait for it. I wait for him to absorb his surrounding. I wait to see what he will do. I love to see the joy he feels, the wonder, the amazement. His emotions are so pure and upfront, he holds nothing back.

I admit, sometimes, it is such a pain to bring all his stuff. Like when we visited my brother in August. Traveling alone, with carseat, carseat base, stroller, etc. But the experience, and even the plane ride, it was fun to see the way people loved him, and the way he loved people. His expression as he pulls the small airplane window up and down.

Oh, and that beach trip with our friends, it turned out to be a lot of fun! And yes, we're going camping next summer!


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